DoubtLess Faith Ministries…
…Equipping the Saints
DoubtLess Faith is devoted to helping the churches of Northern and Central Florida equip their congregants. Our speakers are professionally trained individuals that specialize in Apologetics. They have been trained by world renowned leaders in the defense of the Faith. They are devoted to the education and growth of the individual Christian and are passionate about equipping the Saints. Pastors are excellent at discipling and shepherding their flocks, let us help you defend against the wolves!
60-80% of Christians leave the Church after going to college and do not return because they are unable to answer and reconcile critical questions regarding their faith. Peter instructs the Church in 1 Peter 3:15 to always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have. Jesus instructs His followers to love God with all your heart, soul and MIND in Matthew 22:37. If Christianity is true, if Jesus was a real person and the true Savior of mankind, if the Bible is really God’s word, then as Christians we should be able to intelligently articulate why we base our lives and eternities on this worldview. If not, then Christianity is no more viable than any other religious system.
The good news is there are legitimate reasons for believing the Bible is historically reliable. There are legitimate reasons for believing Jesus was a real person that was executed by the Roman government by crucifixion and was seen raised from the dead three days later. There are legitimate reasons for believing that there is a God and that all that exists came into existence by that God. The Christian worldview is not built on shifting sand that will wash it away if you dig too deep. Rather it is built on solid rock which stands firm no matter the battle waged!